january 2019 gratitude journal

Jan 31, 2019

happy 2019! it's hard to believe the first month of 2019 has already gone and passed. while we're only a month in the new year, there's still plenty to be grateful for.

here are a few things i'm grateful for this month:

☽ making it to 2019
☽ having understanding, fun, caring + flexible managers
☽ new friends
☽ free parking sunday's in downtown + midtown
☽ minimalism + mindful living
☽ women
☽ intersectionality
☽ working with the coolest, funniest + amazing coworkers that makes work fly by and more bearable
☽ mlk. and loretta scott king. bernice king. and all those who fought for civil rights.
☽ family for supporting me, helping me out + just being there for me
☽ having multiple jobs that helps provide for me to pay my bills + to save for the future
☽ managers + coworkers taking their time to mentor me at different stations at work
☽ the realization that moved me to set a goal this year to go after all i want + deserve, and to leave the toxic people/friendships behind
empty kingdom. Design by Berenica Designs.