June 2019 Gratitude

Jun 29, 2019

June flew by and there was much to be grateful for. Some things I'm grateful for this month:

☾ First and foremost, my dad.

☾ Dr. Bronner's Castille Soap and apple cider vinegar for their versatile uses and saving our asses time and time again.

☾ Delicious refreshing smoothie bowls. Summer = smoothie bowl season.

☾ Short(ish) line at the DMV, which is very rare, so I'm grateful that the line was short when I had to go in to replace my stolen plates.

☾ Warm weather to kick off the summer. It was a nice break to not have scorching hot summer days in June as usual.

☾ Extra days off from work to enjoy a nice breather, spend time at local summer activities with friends and coworkers, get some stuff done around the house and my poor car, and to catch up on reading and some much needed sleep.

☾ Summer cleaning and de-cluttering. Who says it can only happen in Spring? I always feel more refreshed after de-cluttering, which makes welcoming and enjoying summer season so much better.

♥ What are you grateful
for this month? ♥

#TakeActionTuesday 6.18.19

Jun 18, 2019

#takeactiontuesday is a weekly action tag that careaction.org started on twitter
to dedicate tuesdays to take action on issues that is important to you.
i took part on twitter and brought it onto the blog.

☾ Ways to raise awareness and donate to the people of Sudan:

☾ Ask your reps to support H.R. 40 Reparations for Slavery: action.aclu.org

☾ (CA only) Call your state legislators to urge them to pass AB 392 to change California's deadly use of police force: action.aclu.org [<-- voting today!]

☾ Allies are a key part of any movement. Here's some helpful tips on how to be a good LGBTQ+ ally from the Human Rights Campaign: hrc.org

☾ End the abuses of detained immigrants by making a few short calls/voicemails to your reps and senators with this call script from 5 Calls: 5calls.org

☾ Urge your MoC's and senators to enact the FIRE Act to require full political campaigns to disclose foreign contacts: 5calls.org

☾ Sign the pledge to fight for women and children's safety from violence and exploitation: CARE.org

☾ The 2018 blue wave was only half the battle -- The work continues ahead of the 2020 elections. Learn how you can help to flip seats state by state: flippable.org

☾ Help support LGBTQ+ youth and students with Epic Reads: go.epicreads.com/pride

☾ (CA only) High school students who are interested in civil liberties and engage their community on important issues, apply for ACLU's California Advocacy Institute 4-day program to help take your activism to the next level: aclu.org

Resources, action guides + call scripts provided by:


♥ How are you taking action
around your community this week? ♥
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