November 2019 Gratitude

Dec 1, 2019

Gratitude is an important avenue for growth and part of self-care.
Here I share a peak into my monthly gratitude journal each month.

Thanksgiving falls in November here in the States, and there's plenty to be thankful for this month and every month (yes, even the things we take for granted or don't even notice). As you may or may not know, I practice gratitude every month as part of my self-care and mental wellbeing so this post is no different just because of Thanksgiving. So without further ado...

☾ First and foremost, the blessing of my family and new friends, and the healthy relationships we have. God really does provide. Also, thankful for the patience while waiting for this blessing that I will cherish.

☾ My car. Okay, this may seem materialistic to be grateful for but after getting in a car accident that left my car totaled, I was out of a car, and not only do I need a car to get to work but so does my mom since I share mine with her while hers is still not operational. So finding this particular car where I did, when I did and for a price that can't be beat, it seemed like a miracle. And to top it all off, the car dealer was so kind enough to knock $1,200 off the grand total which saved me a lot!

☾ #GivingTuesday - a global day of giving. While Giving Tuesday doesn't happen until December 3 this year, there are many folks, organizations and companies gearing up for the giving holiday. Move over Black Friday and Cyber Monday, Giving Tuesday is the real mvp.

☾ Completing and passing my traffic school (100%). It only took me... 11 hours to complete but it was worth getting it done and over with, so my speeding ticket doesn't knock points off my record or increase my car insurance even more.

☾ The ability to work extra shifts because after buying a car, I could really use the extra funds (especially when my car insurance has doubled than what I've been paying for my old car).

☾ The accessibility to resources for specific health and dental needs, basic necessities, and the existence of those resources.

☾ and other audiobook services alternatives that are not Am*zon/Bezos-owned.

☾ Disney+ and baby Yoda

☾ English dubbed and subbed anime, and them being available on Hulu, Netflix and other streaming services and websites.

♥ What are you grateful
for this month? ♥
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