Welcome to my stop on the #RiteOfRejection blog tour! Today, I have for you a story diary, and Sarah Negovetich stops by to talk about the hardest part of becoming an author. Also, don't forget to enter the giveaway below!
December 4, 2014
"Before you stands the future."
Straight-laced, sixteen-year-old Rebecca can't wait for her Acceptance. A fancy ball, eligible bachelors, and her debut as an official member of society. Instead, the Machine rejects Rebecca. Labeled as a future criminal, she's shipped off to a life sentence in a lawless penal colony.
A life behind barbed-wire fences with the world's most dangerous people terrifies Rebecca. She reluctantly joins a band of misfit teens in a risky escape plan, complete with an accidental fiancé she's almost certain she can learn to love.
But freedom comes with a price. To escape a doomed future and prove her innocence, Rebecca must embrace the criminal within.
Setting & Places
Acceptance Gowns
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Favorite Quotes
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Guest Post from author Sarah Negovetich
Please welcome author, Sarah Negovetich, who will be sharing about the hardest part of becoming an author.
Becoming an author is the easiest thing in the world. You simply sit down and type words onto a page. I'm doing it right now. Keep typing enough words and give them a plot line, a few interesting characters and some good kissing (it doesn't hurt) and you've got yourself a novel.
And now everyone who has ever tried or succeeded in writing a novel is resisting the urge to throw heavy objects at me.
I'm not delusional. Most of the time. I know exactly how much work goes into being an author. You write that first draft and whip it into shape. Then you hand it over to a bunch of critique partners and Beta readers. Watch helplessly as they tear it apart. Finally, pick up the pieces and put it back together until you have a shiny new baby ready for the world.
But despite all the hard work that went into writing your novel, that really is the easiest part.
From here on out, that precious baby that you spent countless hours construction, polishing and turning into so much more than those initial words typed onto a page no longer belongs to you. And for us crazy authors, that my friends, is the hardest part.
Now your golden spun words are carefully nestled inside a gorgeous cover sent out into the wide world of readers. At that point, it belongs to the readers, amazing people who will sit down and dedicate hours to devouring those pages.
I knew this well before my book released. Emotionally, I was unprepared. I wanted everyone to love my book. I needed them to love it. But they aren't going to. There will be readers who don't like it. There will be readers who hate it. Gulp, big gulp.
But there will be readers who love it. Readers who sends emails and tweets to tell me how much they loved it. Readers who share their love of it with others. And maybe some of those people will love it, too.
So I wrote this book and it was pretty easy. Now, I've completely lost control and it's the hardest thing I have ever done in my entire life. But it's worth it...so very worth it.
I think I'll go type up some new words.
Thanks for stopping by, Sarah! Being an author does sound like it's tough, but truly rewarding in the end. Not everyone likes a book, and that's okay. We just have to remember that. I personally gave Rite of Rejection 4 awesome stars. I really enjoyed it.
Meet Sarah Negovetich

Sarah Negovetich knows you don't know how to pronounce her name and she's okay with that.
Her first love is Young Adult novels, because at seventeen the world is your oyster. Only oysters are slimy and more than a little salty; it's accurate if not exactly motivational. We should come up with a better cliché.
Sarah divides her time between writing YA books that her husband won’t read and working with amazing authors as an agent at Corvisiero Literary Agency. Her life’s goal is to be only a mildly embarrassing mom when her kids hit their teens.
Purchase Rite of Rejection
A Chapter 17 tissue pack (because that’s when you’ll need them), a jumbo sized chocolate bar (a hot commodity inside the PIT), an orange scented candle (courtesy of Rebecca’s fondest memory from home, a dandelion pen (as featured on the cover), handcrafted Molly bag (named after the character responsible for sewing them in the book, these are the bags used extensively by the main characters), and a $10 Amazon gift card!

Thank you, Sarah, for inviting me to participate on your blog tour for Rite of Rejection and for stopping by to share with us on the blog! It was an intense ride to tag along with Rebecca and company to escape the Pit. You guys don't want to miss out on this one.
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