ala (american library association) annual was in san francisco this year, so we went off on a 2 hour drive to the city and attend for a day. having never been to book conferences before (unless you count the california capitol book festival), i first strolled down each aisle, checking out all the books on display and snapping photos along the way. after knowing where some of my favorite publishers were stationed was when i finally went to snap some books. first timers mistake because they run out so fast! don't make the same mistake. get those books you want when you see them!
for my first book conference, it honestly wasn't that bad. hearing stories of the madness of how these turn out, it was kind of daunting to me, but while there was a lot of people, it wasn't too crowded nor was there any shoving, so that was good.
shoutout to the publishers. y'all do an outstanding job to get those books out there.
♥ have you been to an ala (annual or midwinter) before?
if you did, how did you like it? ♥
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