Into the Dim by Janet B. Taylor | Lit Meme

Mar 6, 2016

Janet B. Taylor's debut novel Into the Dim released on March 1st, and it has been getting some recognition and praises that are so well-deserved. I read it back in January and just found out that Janet is writing book 2, and I couldn't be more excited.

Pitched as Outlander for teens, readers will be sucked into this adventurous time travel from the Scottish highlands to the heart of England. There is adventure, history, humor, a great group of people, family matters, swoons, betrayal and magic to keep your eyes glued to the pages.

into the dim 1

into the dim 3

into the dim 4
(Reblog on Tumblr!)

Title: Into the Dim
Author: Janet B. Taylor
Publication Date: March 1, 2016
Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt for Young Readers
Genre: Young Adult Fantasy
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