strange the dreamer the novl box!

Aug 8, 2017

i came home to a pleasant and fun-filled book mail surprise from the awesome the novl team. the strange the dreamer box by the novl! i'm pretty sure that this was a giveaway? because i don't think there are other ways to attain their boxes, but don't quote me on that. either way, it's filled with a lot of fun and pretty stuff, and i am eternally grateful. their book boxes are so cool and different every month, so be sure to subscribe to their newsletters so you can enter to win a box!

of all the boxes of theirs i won, i'm so glad it was this one because strange the dreamer has been on my tbr for SO long, and now it's finally here. i've heard nothing but incredible things about it, so i'm even more excited to read it.

what's included in the box:
  • strange the dreamer by laini taylor (hardcover - signed) 
  • (4) strange the dreamer buttons 
  • the novl tote bag 
  • the novl uv-protected sunglasses 
  • the novel fruit-infused water bottle

many thank yous to the novl. ♥ check them out here.

♥ have YOU read strange the dreamer? without spoilers, 
let me know what you thought of it in the comments below! ♥
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