August 2019 Gratitude

Aug 31, 2019

Gratitude is an important avenue for growth and part of self-care.
Here I share a peak into my monthly gratitude journal each month.

This month I am grateful for:

☾ Having the opportunity to know a good friend before she passed away. Rest easy, angel, and happy birthday.

☾ Supportive bosses and coworkers who have become friends and were there to help me through my breakdowns at work and outside of it, and who looks out for each others well-being and safety.

☾ Music festivals that brings people together, connecting each other through music, allowing time and a space to spend with friends, dance to some great music, "live our best life", discover new music, make new friends and make new memories.

☾ Lessons and mentality shift learned through personal growth and the wellness retreat I manifested in to help me through annual depressive episode that occurs around this time of year like clockwork. Having a healthier mindset and mentality helps me through everything better than the toxic and immature mentality I had that always held me back before.

☾ Three pay cycles this month. After the expenses I had to pay up, it was much needed to help pay my bills and necessities.

☾ Hulu for having the Sailor Moon series on their queue, as well as other of my old shows that Netflix doesn't have.

☾ More free time that leaving one of my jobs had brought, giving back what matters most in life and to me: time with family and friends, work on myself and growth some more, give back to the community, travel and see the world and learn about cultures outside of my own, get involved in civic action for marginalized communities and do my part in helping the environment.

☾ That being said, being able to slow down and live mindfully and intentionally. It doesn't need to be said that taking care of yourself and your health is important, and it's hard to do that if you're constantly busy and working too much.

☾ The way the end of summer sun shines, the beauty of this planet we call home. I'm an earth sign (Virgo sun) so yeah I'm going to be sentimental about aspects of nature.

☾ Whatever it was that helped keep me on track with my minimalism lifestyle, especially financially, despite the unexpected expenses that came up.

♥ What are you grateful
for this month? ♥
empty kingdom. Design by Berenica Designs.