#takeactiontuesday is a weekly action tag that careaction.org started on twitter
to dedicate tuesdays to take action on issues that is important to you.
i took part on twitter and brought it onto the blog.
☾ A wildfire is ravaging the worlds largest and important ecosystem, the Amazon rainforest, and threatening wildlife, land, water resources and people who live there. Support, donate or volunteer for the Rainforest Action Network, Rainforest Trust, or The Nature Conservancy (or Brazil-based environmental orgs).
☾ Advocate, donate or take action for cancer research and beat cancer with Stand Up To Cancer (or your preferred cancer orgs).
☾ 5 things you can do to help Kashmir, via soundvision.
☾ Ways to give back and empower kids and girls in Africa and South America succeed in school, access clean water and succeed in adulthood with the Me to We Movement: we.org
☾ AB 392 deadly use of police force reform was signed into law in California yesterday! A step in the right direction for much needed police reform in CA -- Be sure to thank your reps who voted for it. The work is not over yet. AB 1215: Body Camera Accountability Act was shelved last year will be on the floor for another vote soon, so urge your state reps to support AB 1215: action.aclu.org
☾ Gun violence has been rampant and we must urge lawmakers to take real action to help reduce it by expanding background checks and ban assault weapons from civilian consumption. Use this call script + senator contact finder here for background checks and here to ban assault weapons from civilians. The Indivisible Guide also has resources and call scripts to urge MoC's to pass S. 42: act.indivisible.org
☾ Help protect the Endangered Species Act from the new changes by urging your reps to reverse the new regulations, call script from 5calls.org
☾ (FL only) Call your state reps to protect Amendment 4 (Voting Rights) in Florida, with this call script from: ACLUFL.org and/or sign the petition: action.aclu.org
☾ Continue to support and campaign for Amy McGrath for KY Senate: amymcgrath.com
☾ Protect working and low income families SNAP program by urging your reps to oppose the changes that would exclude 3 million people and their families from access to basic necessities: 5calls.org
☾ Please keep helping Native Hawaiians in their stand to protect their sacred land and the islands waterways: per my last take action post.
Resources, action guides + call scripts provided by:
♥ How are you taking action around
your community/country this week? ♥
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